Stanford University F&A Rate Agreement

Stanford University F&A Rate Agreement: Understanding the Basics

Stanford University is a renowned educational institution in California that is famous for its high-quality research programs, innovative teaching techniques, and state-of-the-art facilities. However, what many people may not be aware of is Stanford`s F&A Rate Agreement, which plays a critical role in the university`s research operations and funding.

What is the F&A Rate Agreement?

Short for Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rate Agreement, the F&A Rate Agreement is a contract between Stanford University and the US government that establishes the indirect costs that can be charged by the university for federally sponsored research projects. Indirect costs refer to expenses that are not directly related to the research project but are necessary for its completion. Examples of indirect costs include:

– Administrative and clerical salaries

– Office supplies and equipment

– Utilities and maintenance expenses

The F&A Rate Agreement helps to ensure that federally sponsored research projects are adequately funded and that indirect costs are not overlooked. The agreement establishes a predetermined percentage of indirect costs that can be charged for a specific project, which is known as the F&A rate.

How does the F&A Rate Agreement work?

The F&A Rate Agreement is negotiated between Stanford University and the US government through the university`s Office of Sponsored Research (OSR). The OSR is responsible for reviewing and negotiating the terms of all research grants and contracts received by the university.

The F&A rate established by the agreement is then used by the university to calculate the indirect costs that can be charged to each specific project. For example, if the F&A rate is negotiated at 50%, and a research project has direct costs of $100,000, the university can charge an additional $50,000 in indirect costs.

Why is the F&A Rate Agreement important?

The F&A Rate Agreement is critical to maintaining the financial health of Stanford University`s research programs. Indirect costs can account for a significant portion of the total cost of a research project, and without the ability to charge these costs, the university would not be able to fund many of its research programs adequately.

Additionally, the F&A Rate Agreement helps to ensure that all federally sponsored research projects are adequately funded and that indirect costs are not overlooked. This helps to prevent research projects from being underfunded and ensures that the university can maintain its reputation as a leader in cutting-edge research.


The F&A Rate Agreement is an integral part of Stanford University`s research operations and funding. By negotiating a predetermined percentage of indirect costs that can be charged for each research project, the university can ensure that all federally sponsored research projects are adequately funded and that the indirect costs necessary for their completion are covered. As a result, the F&A Rate Agreement plays a critical role in maintaining Stanford University`s status as a world-class research institution.