Morbi nec nisi ante. Quisque lacus ligula, iaculis in elit et, interdum semper quam. Fusce in interdum tortor.
Morbi nec nisi ante. Quisque lacus ligula, iaculis in elit et, interdum semper quam. Fusce in interdum tortor.
Philipp Wasserscheidt, born on 15.09.1981 in Dresden, Germany
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Slawistik
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (0)30 – 2093 5183
Academic development
2010–2015: Freie Universität Berlin. Doctorate „General Linguistics“ (Grade: Summa cum laude). Mentors: Prof. Dr. Anatol Stefanowitsch, Prof. Dr. Christian Voß. Thesis: „Bilingual Speech: A construction grammar approach“
07/2010: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Master of Arts „Slavic Languages“, Thesis: „Cognitive Modelling of Language Mixing“
2006/2007: Semester abroad at the University of Belgrade
05/2007: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Bachelor of Arts „Slavic languages and literatures“ and „Russian”. Thesis: „Multiligualism and language change among Hungarian speakers in the Serbian Banat“
Academic positions
since 2017: Visiting professor at the University of Kragujevac
since 04/2011: Assistent at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair for South-Slavic Linguistics and Cultural Studies
2008–2009: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Student principal investigator, Project „Script and Mind“
7/2017–6/2018: Project “Ecco – Environment for corpus creation and use”. Funded by
HU Berlin.
3/2017–2/2018: Project „Making and breaking frontiers in South Eastern Europe“. Excursion and conferences on muslim minorities in SOE. Funded by the German DAAD.
seit 09/2017: CoLABnet – Network for Competencies in Liberal Arts on the Balkans. Conception and setup of a multinational network, including the university of Belgrade, Kragujevac, Montenegro, Niš, Prishtina, Sarajevo, and Tirana.
12/2015–06/2018: Erasmus+ international: Application and management of joint projects in KA107 with the universities Belgrade, Kragujevac, Montenegro, Niš, Prishtina, Sarajevo, and Tirana (230 mobilities, 570.000 €).
04/2015–12/2016 Bilateral Project: „Constructing Narratives: Towards a social Construction Grammar“. In cooperation with the Balkanological Institute of SANU. Funded by German DAAD and the Serbian Ministry of Education.
04/2015–04/2017: Programme Humboldt Senior Advisor. Promotion of early career researchers. Funded by the German Excellence Initiative.
07/2013–07/2015: Project „Developing a tool for output-oriented planning of curricula“.
Funded by HU Berlin.
04/2013–12/2013: Project „Constructing Equivalence: Grammatical Categories between languages“. Funded by HU Berlin.
2011–2013: Project „A Spoken Corpus of Serbian in Hungary“ In collaboration with the Serbian Institute, Budapest.
2012: Guest research at the Graduate College “Frequency Effects in Language“ at FRIAS Freiburg.
2011–2015: PhD scholarship by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
2008–2010: Scholarship by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
2006–2007: Scholarship by German DAAD
2006–2007: Scholarship from the Serbian Ministery of Education
Research interests
Contact linguistics, bilingualism
Grammatical Theory, Construction Grammar, Cognitive Linguistics
Text linguistics, Narrative Theory
Corpus linguistics
Presentations (selection)
05/2017: A usage-based approach to „language“ in code-switching. Presentation at the International Symposium of Bilingualism. Limerick, 11–15. 6. 2017.
05/2017: Construction Grammar and Bilingual Speech: A Model for Synchronic Language Contact. Presentation at PLIN Linguistic Day 2017 – Université catholique de Louvain, 12. 5. 2017.
09/2015: Konstrukciona gramatika na delu: Kontaktna lingvistika. Invited presentation at the Balkanological Institut SANU. Belgrade, 22. 9. 2015.
10/2014: On Imitation in Adult Bilinguals. Presentation at the Vierte Internationalen Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik. Erlangen, 30. 9. – 2. 10. 2014.
09/2014: On imitation as a global strategy in bilinguals. Presentation at the 47. Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Poznań, 11–14. 9. 2014.
07/2014: Towards a Bilingual Construction Grammar: On Schematic Constructions as Matrix in Mixed Sentences. Presentation at the 5. UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster, 29–31. 7. 2014.
02/2014: Continua in contact: construction grammar and bilingual speech. Presentation at the 13. Annual Meeting of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association, Harvard University, 15–17. 2. 2014.
09/2013: Towards a construction grammar account for bilingual language use. Presentation at the 46. Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Split, 18–21. 9. 2013.
09/2013: Linguistic units as complex signs: consequences for bilingual sentence processing. Presentation at the 44. Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Poznań, 29. 8. – 1. 9. 2013.
12/2012: Језик без правила: конструкциона граматика и билингвизам. Presentation at the conference Српски језик у мађарској: Стање и перспективе лингвистичких истраживања. Budapest, 14./15. Dezember 2012.
10/2012: How Construction Grammar Can Explain Bilingual Language Use: Evidence From Serbian-Hungarian Code-Switching. Presentation at the Fünfte Internationalen Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik, Universität Freiburg, 10–12. 10. 2012.
06/2012: Vybor slov ili konstrukcij? Dannye iz oblasti korpusnogo analiza duvjazyčnoj reči. Presentation at the 5. Meždunarodnaja konferencija po kognitivnoj nauke [The fifth international conference on cognitive science], Kaliningrad, 19–23. 6. 2012.
03/2012: Switching Constructions – a constructionist approach to bilingual language production. Presentation at the 35. International LAUDSymposium, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau i.D. Pfalz, 26–29. 3. 2012.
Publications (selection)
Wasserscheidt, Philipp (to appear): From Matrix Language to Matrix Construction: An alternative approach to codeswitching. [Linguistic Sciences]
Wasserscheidt, Philipp (2016): Construction Grammar and Code-Mixing. In: Robinson, Justyna; Reif, Monika (Hg.): Cognition, culture and codes: Current perspectives on multilingualism. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Wasserscheidt, Philipp (2016): Bilinguales Sprechen. Ein konstruktionsgrammatischer Ansatz. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin Universitätsbibliothek.
Wasserscheidt, Philipp (2014): Constructions do not cross Languages: On cross-linguistic generalizations of constructions. In: Hilpert, Martin and Jan-Ola Östman (Hg.): Reflections on Constructions across Grammars [= Constructions & Frames 6:2]. S. 305–
Wasserscheidt, Philipp (2010): Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachwandel bei Ungarischsprechern im serbischen Banat. In: Voss, Christian (Hrsg.): Habsburg vs.
Ottoman legacy in the Balkans: Language and religion to the north and to the south of the Danube. Berlin. S. 197–246.
Teaching (selection)
2016/17: SE: “Language as Culture” (B.A.)
2016: SE: “Text linguistics” (M.A.)
2015/16: SE: “The slavic Berlin: History and Present of Language and Settlement” (B.A.)
2015: SE: “Aquiring and using linguistic knowledge: Concstruction Grammar” (B.A.)
2013: SE: “Multilingualism and Linguistic Structures” (B.A.); SE: “Constructing equivalence” (B.A.)
2011: SE: “Introduction into Cognitive Linguistics” (B.A.)
2011–2017: GK Introduction into south slavic linguistics (B.A.)
Language skills
German: Native speaker
Russian: C2
English, Hungarian, BCMS: C1
Roumanian: B1
Polish, Ukrainian: A2
Basic knowledge of Upper Sorbian, Bulgarian, and Albanian