Morbi nec nisi ante. Quisque lacus ligula, iaculis in elit et, interdum semper quam. Fusce in interdum tortor.
Mladen Uhlik, PhD (b. 1977 in Sarajevo) is assistant professor of the Russian language and Russian linguistics. He is head of the Russian language chair at the Slavistics department (University of Ljubljana), where he teaches Russian syntax and Russian morphology. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals “Philological studies” and “Rhema/Рема” and a member of the CRECLECO research group (Centre de recherches en épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale). His research interests cover various topics, such as the contrastive functional analysis of Russian and South Slavic languages, Russian morphosyntax and the history of Russian and Soviet linguistics. He is fluent in Russian, Slovene, BCMS, French and English.
Selected Bibliography:
- UHLIK, Mladen. 2008. Simmering in the Soviet pot: language heterogeneity in early Soviet socio-linguistics. Studies in East European thought, ISSN 0925-9392, Dec. 2008, vol. 60, no. 4, str. 285-293.
- UHLIK, Mladen. 2011. Problema jazykovogo rodstva i smešannyh jazykov v svete trudov I. A. Boduena de Kurtenè i F. F. Fortunatova. V: ABISOGOMJAN, Irina V. (ur.). Lingvokul´turnoe prostranstvo sovremennoj Evropy čerez prizmu malyh i bol´ših jazykov: k 70-letiju Aleksandra Dmitrieviča Duličenko, (Slavica tartuensia, ISSN 1406-3522, 9). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus: =Tartu University Press. 2011, str. 69-82
- UHLIK, Mladen. 2011. Deux conceptions de la ressemblance des langues dans la linguistique russe du début du XXe siècle. V: SÉRIOT, Patrick (ur.). Russie, linguistique et philosophie, (Cahiers de l'ILSL, ISSN 1019-9446, no 29). Lausanne: CLSL, Faculté des Lettres. 2011, str. 173-190.
- UHLIK, Mladen, ŽELE, Andreja. 2016. Primerjalna analiza dveh tipov stavčnih zgradb s povedkovim določilom v slovenščini in ruščini. Slavistična revija: časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede, ISSN 0350-6894. [Tiskana izd.], sep.-okt. 2016, letn. 64, št. 3, str. 385-400.
- UHLIK, Mladen, ŽELE, Andreja. 2017. Семантические и синтаксические особенности глаголов bati se ‘бояться’ и upati (se/si) ‘надеяться; отваживаться’ в словенском предложении. In: Slovenski jezik/Slovene linguistic Studies 11. 139–161.