Stručna konferencija JEZIK – SLOBODA – TRADICIJA
Alen Kalajdžija (ed.): Stručna konferencija JEZIK – SLOBODA – TRADICIJA. Društveno-politička stvarnost bosanskoga jezika u južnoslavenskoj jezičkoj zajednici, zbornik referata. Banja Luka, 29. 6. 2018., edition Special publications, vol. 29, BMG Bosnian Media Group and Language Institute, University of Sarajevo, Tuzla – Sarajevo, 2018. 79 p.
The Proceedings provides information on the positioning of the Bosnian language in education systems in: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Kosovo, and one report provides an overview of language learning in countries around the world. The papers were prepared by experts and scientists who are directly involved in the implementation of Bosnian language learning programs as the languages of minority communities in these environments.
Positive experiences from the countries of the region show that students attend Bosnian language classes in regular classes and that the Bosnian language is recognized in all countries of the region, except in the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The organization of this event, held in Banja Luka on June 29, 2018 and the publication of the Proceedings, aims to support the strategic strengthening of the Bosnian language, primarily in educational institutions and official structures throughout the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina.