Vedad Smailagić: Uvod u tekstnu lingvistiku, edition Manuals, vol. 11, Language Institute, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo 2018, 183 p.
Researching text as a linguistic phenomenon in different languages has shown that universal phenomena can be found in texts generally, first in indo-European languages like English, German or Bosnian. These phenomena are the rule of using verbal times depending on whether we talk about something or describe something, or the same linguistic characteristics of individual text types, the order of the theme and rema by the same principle, the existence of five basic functions of the text that coincide with five types of ilocutionary acts, and similar. Therefore, this book, although mostly based on descriptions of texts in the Bosnian language, aims to describe the text and its linguistic features as universal, rather than in one language specific language phenomena. Since linguistics in Bosnia and Herzegovina and countries in the region has so far shown less interest in text as the most complex language element, this book represents a valuable contribution in this respect.