Vedad Smailagić: Uvod u tekstnu lingvistiku, edition Manuals, vol. 12, Sarajevo Publishing and Language Institute, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo 2019, 207 p.
This book deals with a very traditional theme and the scientific problem of the relationship between language, on the one hand, and culture and society, on the other. It presents some of the basic questions in the history of cultural studies, but especially in the history of the study of the relationship between language, culture and society. The aim of the book is to give a precise definition or description of the problems, tasks, and specific insights that emerges from research on a human beings based on their language and communication. In doing so, it is insisted that philology, and in particular linguistics, is not only indispensable, but much more than that, a basic scientific discipline that draws on cultural anthropology and ethnology. In addition to emphasizing and explaining the link between cultural research and language research, methods have been presented in many examples, partly tried and worked out, partly in development, most often in the Bosnian and German examples, demonstrating and proving their research effectiveness, but also giving some interpretations of particular cultural communities that we reach through these culturally oriented linguistic research.