Lecture on Montenegrin language, March 7, 2018

08-03-18 admin 0 comment

On March 7, 2018, as part of the program Days of Language Institute, the Public Debate “Montenegrin Language and Contemporary Montenegristic” was held at the Bosniak Institute in Sarajevo with the presentation of the Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature, Cetinje. Participants in the program were prof. dr. Hasnija Muratagić-Tuna, from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, prof. dr. Amira Turbić-Hadžagić, from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Tuzla, who have been working closely with colleagues from Montenegro for many years, and mr. Sanja Orlandić and mr. Novica Vujović, colleagues from the Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature, Cetinje.

The Director of the Language Institute of the University of Sarajevo, dr. Alen Kalajdžija welcomed the goests, after which the Minister-Counselor from the Embassy of Montenegro in BiH, Mr. Radovan Miljanić addressed the audience. In addition to colleagues from the Language Institute, this beautiful event was attended by professors and students from Sarajevo high schools, students from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Sarajevo, colleagues assistants from the Department for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, and other of our senior colleagues from profession. The speakers represented history of the Montenegrin linguistics and rich publishing activity of the Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature, which has produced over 130 different editions in the past 10 years, including the grammar and ortography of the Montenegrin language, the dialectology of the Montenegrin language, the accentology of the Montenegrin language, 20 issues of the magazine Lingua Montenegrina and the history of Montenegrin literature in three volumes. The moderator of this program was MSc. Aida Kršo.
